Mantz Tech
Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016
SQL Injection in Frappe Framework
CVE-2017-1000120 This is the story how we found a stored XSS and a post-login SQL-injection in the Frappe framework (version 7.1.26), whi...
Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016
Join the beta program for RF Analyzer
It took me quite some time to get the new RF Analyzer version done (I had a lot of other things going on, mainly studying on my master..). ...
6 Kommentare:
Freitag, 13. März 2015
Wear Network Notifications: My first Android Wear App
After owning a Android Wear device (more specific: a LG G Watch R) for some months now, I finally started my first little Wear project! It...
Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014
Performance optimizations of the demodulation code of RF Analyzer
When I started implementing AM and FM demodulation for the RF Analyzer, I first built a receiver in GNU Radio Companion and then tried to re...
3 Kommentare:
Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014
RF Analyzer - Explore the frequency spectrum with the HackRF on an Android device
Over the last week I've been working on a new project, trying to build a spectrum analyzer for Android that works with my hackrf_android...
70 Kommentare:
Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014
hackrf_android - Using the HackRF with a Android device
Since I received my HackRF last month I wanted to use it with an Android device. I own a Nexus 7 and a Nexus 5 and both are able to act as U...
17 Kommentare:
Montag, 29. September 2014
Receiving FLEX Pager with the HackRF and GNU Radio 3.7
This weekend I was browsing through the RF spectrum with my HackRF and found some pretty strong FSK signals: FLEX Pager in GQRX They s...
3 Kommentare:
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